Life. Death. Life.
It is the cycle of life, the nature of the flow, the ebb of all things.
Life. Death. Life.
It is something we fight, force, stop, anguish, hate. It pains us when or loved ones, pets, or even the thoughts about ourselves in this vessel dying.
If it is a natural occurrence why fight it?
There is a lot here in our society that forces us to stay the same & shames us for wanting change.
Even think about how we view aging...we want so desperately for it not to happen. to find the fountain of youth and halt our aging.
You are here now because you are the opposite. You crave change. Rather, you force yourself into spaces, courses, mentors, traveling to catapult you into change.
You are the way. You show others that it is safe and natural to change as do I. And if you are I don't...get ready because you have the energy code within you that is waiting for this part of you to be activated.
It is time to trust that the next step will be there when you take the dark staircase to the unknown.
It is nothing to be afraid of.
It is merely the birth of your next journey that awaits you.
With fucking magic,
Stormy Sage