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How to Maximize the Energy of the 11/11 Portal

I believe that regardless of what is happening in the stars, dates, or collective energy, we can create energy momentum on our own terms. 

That being said….why not ride the wave fully of what is already happening?? 

Keep reading to find out what you can do to maximize the energy already happening on 11/11 (a cosmic portal) and how you can carry it through the rest of this year 👇🏻

The wave is coming I hottt so let’s get as much air as possible!!! using a surf reference from someone who has attempted the board 4 times* lol

To explain…this day is extremely powerful to connect with your divine essence and a gateway to your spiritual growth that will kick you back into divine alignment. 

That’s a full, intense statement, so don’t take this lightly. It is exciting, but it also might be stretching you in ways you think you are not ready for. 

Numerologically, 1111 is a symbol of an extreme life-changing transformation & support from the beyond. 

Think when you see 11:11 on the clock and you suddenly feel connected to the order of the universe, synchronicities, and for a moment in the day, life feels like you are not alone in this world, that forces are working in your favor, that you are exactly where you are supposed to be doing exactly what you were meant to be doing and this number is like the energy saying “heyyyy i see you, keep going”

I was just watching The Matrix Reloaded and the oracle said something that struck me. It was something along the lines of “You’ve already made the choice, you are simply here to remember why you chose it” 🤯

To me, that speaks to the part of our soul that signed up for this earth school, and put in contracts, people, and events for our own evolution. We already made the choice. The confusion we can choose to stay in clouds us from knowing our next steps, but in reality, the path is so clear. Ask yourself what do you know? What do you know to be true outside of what you think you should do, told to do, or think is possible? 

I was obsessed with finding my purpose my whole life and in some ways I still am, except now I know it’s nothing to search for outside of ourselves. It’s already within us, stored deep in the crevices of our hearts. It’s our job to connect to what that feels like, remembering we already chose what the purpose is. And all we have to ask is why? Then follow the path 🐇

So I challenge you to connect to this part of you - the one that knows what to do, what you want, & what you are here to create. 

Use these as journal prompts to move the energy forward in your divine purpose. When you sit down in your space to write I want you first to connect to your heart (and don’t overthink it LOL). 

  1. Put your hands over your heart 

  2. Close your eyes 

  3. Breathe deeply 7x breaths 

  4. Visualize your heart beating 

  5. Say out loud: “I am ready to listen”  

Now pick up your pen and spend 30 minutes letting the words flow through you. The rules are don’t overthink, don’t stop, and don’t question until the time is up. 

  1. What do I know about my purpose?

  2. What is the common thread in all of my challenges, lessons, & heartache? 

  3. Why I am here on Earth? 

  4. What am I here to create? 

  5. What do I think I want? 

  6. What do I know I want? 

  7. If I had 3 months to live, what would I say, where would I go, how would I be? And is that any different than how you are living now? 

Think about it like putting a destination on a map. You know where you want to go and why you want to go there. So, to get there, you enter the location into the GPS, see the step-by-step directions, plug it into the car, forget about when you will get there, and trust with each turn you are getting closer to where you want to go, and before you know it - you have arrived. 

This is how I see how our life paths unfold. Now, we can choose to forget where we are going, get distracted and miss a turn, have car trouble, or even run into bad weather. These can delay us getting to the final destination ie what we truly authentically desire, here to do/create, aka our purpose. 

To get clear on your road forward, take a look at if you can identify the following steps: 

  1. Identify the destination you want to go to (house, family, business, travel, a certain lifestyle, money, podcast, skill, love, etc) 

  2. What steps are needed for me to get there? 

  3. Am I doing those steps now? 

  4. If so, keep going. If not, why aren’t I? 

  5. Know that if you keep going, following the aligned steps, you will eventually arrive. 

Starting this week make space for this reflection and carry the actions you receive into the new year. Take this energy momentum through this gateway to give you that cosmic kick to follow through with the path you were meant to be on. 

With Magic,

Stormy Sage



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Stormy Sage is a rising spiritual leader who masters in transformation & personal discovery. She guides women back to their original soul codes merging the seen/unseen worlds within. Logistically - she awakens your body, power, sexual energy, & turns on your fullest expression. 

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