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Are you a witch? 

Why this season will bring out the witch in you...

What it means to call yourself a witch (to me):

🔥 A woman in her power

🔥 A woman embodied in her wisdom

🔥 A woman who knows how to transmute

🔥 A woman who is all of herself 

🔥 A woman who is connected to nature 

There is medicine and destruction putting others and yourself into a category. In my opinion, if we are going to categorize each other it might as well be in a magical way lol 

In this case, I find it liberating to call myself a witch—especially in spooky season, but let’s be honest…spooky season is all year round. The magic doesn’t stop after Oct 31st even though the veil is the thinnest around this time…magic always surrounds us. 

A reclamation happened when I claimed that term to be my embodiment.

Yes, I am a witch. 

To even be witnessed by another as a witch unleashed a knowing within me…perhaps I’ll get into that in another story. 

If you google the word “witch” you’ll see the definition as…" a person thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly depicted as a woman wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick.”

Or this one… “ a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people: a witch on a broomstick. Witches were persecuted all over Western Europe from the 15th to the 17th century, as it was claimed that they had dealings with the Devil. informal disapproving. an unpleasant and ugly woman.”

This is an aspect of the feminine taken out of context to what is truth. 

I read this and think… a woman in her full power = witch = evil = devil = ugly ???

Like no wonder as women, we have such a deep-rooted fear of our power let alone witnessing other women in their power too. 

When I reclaim BEING A WITCH, I am reclaiming the part of me that I have demonized, disowned, shoved down, and dismissed - MY POWER. 

MY GOD am I so sick and tired of playing small, being tolerable, palatable, and accommodating for myself and others. 

I ask you:

Why are you not fully turning online?

What part of you wants to be seen?

Where are you not owning your full power? 

Let yourself explore the idea this week of what being a witch means to you…does it trigger you? Does it excite you? Do you want to push it away? 

I for one, am ready for more of us women to own our full power & to bring it to the world. 

Are you?

With Magic, 

Stormy Sage 



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Stormy Sage is a rising spiritual leader who masters in transformation & personal discovery. She guides women back to their original soul codes merging the seen/unseen worlds within. Logistically - she awakens your body, power, sexual energy, & turns on your fullest expression. 

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